Reflexology is a holistic energy therapy which works on a person or animal's reflex points on their feet, ears or hands. Allison practices foot reflexology.
These reflex points correlate with various organs and body systems. A practitioner uses a compression technique to stimulate these points, and therefore the energetic pathways. The goal is so that the client can relax and return to homeostasis so s/he can begin to heal, not unlike other healing therapies.
Allison learned two different methods for this modality, one from the Heal Center Atlanta and the other from the Cayce-Reilly School of Massage Therapy.
You can request a full hour of foot reflexology with Allison, otherwise she may integrate some of the techniques during a regular massage. Sit back, and enjoy! This particular therapy causes more people to fall asleep than any other. :)
60 minutes - $80
(includes hot towels & oils)
Add a sugar scrub, and take home the rest! - $10